Equipment leasing

Port equipment leasing

Our flexible leasing solutions can fuel your company's growth

  • Collaborative
  • Flexible
  • Specialized knowledge
Contact us

Leasing harbor equipment?

If you work in the harbor industry, it is crucial to have the right equipment. Heavy machinery such as an empty handler, reach stacker, or mobile harbor crane is essential for handling and transportation companies in the harbor industry. Because costs can quickly add up, many business owners choose for a lease construction. This way, the purchase value is spread out over monthly lease terms.

What are the benefits of leasing harbor equipment?

Leasing works like this: you pay a fixed monthly price for a pre-agreed period. This monthly price is based on the equipment's purchase value and the duration of the lease. Due to the long lifespan of port equipment, you can work with valuable equipment for a low monthly price. And when desired, the equipment becomes fully yours at the end of the lease period.

The benefits of leasing are:

  • You pay in installments, leaving you with money for other investments or to maintain your strong position.
  • At the end of the lease period, you can be the full owner of the harbor equipment.
  • You have immediate possession of the harbor equipment.
  • You also have the option to lease used harbor equipment, resulting in a lower monthly price.

What harbor equipment can you lease from Beequip?

First of all, it's good to know that we are a brand-independent party. So it doesn't matter to us which brand of equipment you want to purchase for your company. Whether you choose a Terberg or Douglas Terminal Trekker. Or if you prefer a Kalmar, SMV, or Terex Reach stacker. It doesn't matter to us. You can always ask us for advice, but you choose, and we arrange the financing. Moreover, you can contact us for financing of any type of harbor equipment. You can, among other things, come to us for:

  • Mobile harbor crane
  • Empty handler
  • Reach stacker
  • Handling crane with a lifting capacity above 50 tons
  • Terminal tractors
  • Forklift with a lifting capacity above 12 tons

Is the harbor equipment you have in mind not on the list? No problem. Contact us, and we'll be happy to help!

Leasing new or used harbor equipment?

The choice between new or used harbor equipment is up to you. Often, used equipment can still perform excellently, so why include it in a lease? Moreover, used equipment significantly reduces your monthly costs. Therefore, we encourage leasing used equipment.

What services does Beequip offer?

At Beequip, we have knowledge of the harbor sector, allowing us to offer the best leasing solution for your company. Moreover, we rarely say no to a good plan and think along so that financing is almost always made possible.

Do you want to lease other equipment? You can also lease maritime equipment, containers, or come to us for ship financing for inland shipping or a ship mortgage for a workboat. Contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you.

Discover your options

Remco Bol is sales director port equipment and here to answer all your questions. You can contact him via phone or e-mail, see details below.